This is a new experience for us. We didn't expect it to be a long journey. My Beloved is smart and talented and educated.
After about a month of processing the loss and coming to terms with it, he began the task of searching for another job.
After about a month of processing the loss and coming to terms with it, he began the task of searching for another job.
He put together a map - a guide to find the next job.
He takes the classes offered by his now past company. He tweaks his resume', he searches and joins Linkedin (a professional networking site). He begins to cold call and contacts co-workers from past jobs. He sends out a multitude of resumes and attends job fairs.
Nothing, for a long time.
We are grateful for a severance package that lasts three, yes 3 months.
We then apply for unemployment.
We live in a nice home. We pay a hearty mortgage to live in a nice home, in a nice neighborhood.
How were we going to stay in our home and provide for our family on unemployment? Our triplets were not yet in school. Should I go back to work? Not yet. My Beloved believed he would land a good job soon.
There were obstacles in the way. My Beloved had phone interviews, in person interviews and had recruiters call. People were interested in him. Still, no job offer.
We prayed. Our family and friends prayed for us.
Our fellowship supported us. People brought us food, gift cards, cash.
An anonymous donor sent us a large money gift.
We felt we could stay a little longer in our home. Maybe three more months.
Our family supported us.
We continued to live in our home and had funds to pay our mortgage and utilities. We were able to put gasoline in our car. We have friends who allowed us to spend a summer week in a cottage in Cape Cod. My
Beloveds parents paid for our trip to Wyoming to spend a summer week in Grand Teton National Park with them and my Beloveds older brother and his wife. My mother was faithful in sending money to us.
Beloveds parents paid for our trip to Wyoming to spend a summer week in Grand Teton National Park with them and my Beloveds older brother and his wife. My mother was faithful in sending money to us.
Our children have not suffered. In fact, they loved having their Daddy home in the mornings to make breakfast for them and send them off to school. He was also home when they got off the school bus in the afternoon. He has gotten to know them so well.
We were blessed in supernatural ways. How could we still be in our home after a year and a half?
How could this be? We have been thrifty with our money and had a little amount of money in savings but, never enough to continue to live in our home.
I babysat, helped others organize and made beaded light catchers to bring in some money but, never enough to live on.
It is not because of anything we have done.
It is because we live our lives with promises from God.
"I will open the windows of heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won't have enough room to take it in." Malachi 3:10
"Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you." 1 Peter 5:7
"I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11
We love living here. We love the friends we have here.
We like this place and our roots go deep.
But, God has a different journey for us.
"You can make many plans, but the Lord's purpose will prevail." Proverbs 19:21
My Beloved flew to Minnesota a few weeks ago.
The company interviewing him loved him and this past Monday, they offered him a job. A very good job.
One of my friends (Joy Fenton) told me that if this job had been available 3 months into unemployment, my Beloved probably would have turned it down. She says that God knew he needed 18 months to accept it. She is one smart lady. I think she is right.
"Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow." James 1: 2 and 3
A new journey awaits us.