It's good to enjoy the skin you're in.
And to feel festive in red or to rest and take in the sights and sounds of life.
I've been doing all of this. Resting, observing, creating, mourning, hoping, caring for others, and myself, and tending our little nest.
An update: Grandpa Tom had a rough go of heart surgery but, he is mending at home now and getting stronger every day. Thank you for your prayers and love for him.
My dear childhood friend Paul, lost his battle with cancer and leaves behind three young children and family and many friends. I have a Paul sized hole in my heart and look forward to seeing him again on that golden shore.
Our Charlotte got her first phone call from a boy named Sawyer wanting a play-date with her. Benjamin went along too.
Charlotte got punched in the eye by a boy, on the playground, who loves her. She is fine and she got to meet the school nurse. We got the news in a telephone call from a nervous assistant principal. It's kindergarten!
Benjamin lost his first baby tooth after Grant, Max and Charlotte had to "feel" how it wiggled. It came out after two days of being loose. He was thrilled with our Tooth Fairy, named Clepta Dente, who brought him a "Toothless" dragon (from How To Train Your Dragon).
Elijah-Max now wants to be called Maxwell. He can name any dinosaur by sight. He is learning Spanish and wants to watch DVD's in Japanese. Yes, he is certainly unique.
Grant is growing so fast. It seems like just yesterday those size 8 pants and shirts fit him. Then this morning, he put on a long sleeved shirt and said, "Mom, I don't like shirts that don't go to my wrist." I don't blame him so, I found a shirt that hadn't shrunk. Right? The shirt shrunk! Our first born isn't that tall is he?
We are still jobless (15 months). My Beloved spoke with a recruiter in Ohio today.
We love New England and our roots have gone deep here.
We will follow where He leads.
We listen for that small, still voice.
"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path."